Friday, November 19, 2010

Is God a big God in your life, or a small God?

Last night, we met together with some of the other families that are also adopting children from Ukraine.  It was a breath of fresh air to meet and hear how mightily God is working and moving in each of our lives, all at the same time !  Our human minds cannot comprehend how BIG God really is at times.  Last night, I saw a small taste of how God has moved mountains in a handful of families lives in the last two months.  I was humbled and in awe of his handy work.  We see and feel what he does in our own life, but sometimes don't get opportunity to hear how he is working in others as well.  I realized standing there last night, that the devil quiets us as Christians, by giving us reasons and excuses why we should not tell our story or how God has transformed our life.  By not sharing miraculous things God has done for us, we are keeping God in a box, we are making him small.  God is not meant to be small, we serve a big God and he deserves to be treated and acknowledged that way.  I said to Russie after we got home last night, we have made him small through all this and we need to keep him big.  We have not shared all the BIG mountains God has moved for us in entirety.  We have been "quieted" by the devil at times and he has made us think we should not share how quickly he has moved in our life for different reasons.  I told him last night that I need to share a few of the BIG God moments with people in this process. 
We went into this thing with almost closed and hazy eyes.  Seeing what was there for us to do, but not being able to see much more than that.  We knew what we needed to do, but there was so much that had to get worked out for that to happen.  Our first fear, like the majority of the families, was the financial aspect of it.  How in the world are we going to afford adopting two kids?  It is very expensive and we knew that we were going to need roughly $45,000-$50,000 just for the adoption alone.  Even just typing that seems crazy !  Not to mention, the renovations we had to do to our house, a bigger car, all the clothes and furnishings for the bedrooms, etc. etc. etc.  When we responded to God's call and said yes, to adopting these girls, we had $800 in our checking account, no savings account and about $60,000 in immediate business debts, that we needed to pay, plus another business line of credit that we were making payments on.  On paper, it looked impossible for us to add more than that to the debts we already owed.  But NOTHING is impossible to God. He had a different set of numbers in his hand that he was about to give us.  Within 2 weeks of the girls returning, God had already provided all the money we needed for the adoption.  He shook our business in a mighty way. Yeah, you should be saying WOW right now, because it was incredible !!!  It didn't stop there, we were able to remodel our basement, get a bigger vehicle and have money to pay off the vehicle one month after purchasing it, pay off all the debts we owed previously, and somehow Russie was able to buy 4 breeder bucks in the past 2 months that will provide more stability for our business in the future.  Whether you are an accountant or not, it is not very hard to figure out that those are huge expenses and debts that were all taken care of in a matter of days.  We have held back sharing that because money is always a sensitive and touchy subject, but I know that God revealed to me last night, that I was to share it.  The point I want to make is the fact that our God is so much greater, so much bigger than we even need him to be.  In the beginning, I just wanted him to provide a way for us to afford the actual adoption, thinking if he could do that, then we would be happy.  NO, he came over the top and trumped our "little" minds and played a bigger card for us, much bigger !  This is a real life scenario of Mark 6:30-44, where Jesus takes the 2 fish and five loaves of bread, and not only multiplied it to feed the five thousand, but he multiplied it so much that there was 12 extra baskets of food left.  I have seen, and felt his presence in dramatic ways.  Last night confirmed that, Wow, God is doing the same things for other families as well, and my goodness, it gave me a burning sensation in my chest, realizing the magnitude of his work.  The financial aspect is just one area that God has transformed for us, he has alleviated all the fears I had along the way, it is just an easier example that everyone can understand.  To think of all the mountains he has moved just in that room alone last night was an eye opener, let alone how he has been working and moving in lives everywhere else, in your life as well.  Thinking about that, gives you insight and understanding to how awesome and big he is, that he can perform that many miracles in so many lives on a daily basis.  I encourage you this day to share a piece of your life with someone, keep him big today !

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, so glad to hear things are going your way! I cannot wait to see Nastya and Vika in your amazing loving family! Those girls deserve the best, and are getting the best! I am really inspired by your guys' huge faith. Keep moving those mountains!! God bless you guys.
