Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Great news again today !  Russ and Lori got their appt. to travel for November 30th.  Dusty and Tina Kustenbeck ( our friends that are adopting a 14 year old boy named Dima ) also got their date for the day before November 29th ! Things are really starting to fall into place and God really has his hand over all of our journeys!  

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Here are a few pictures that our friend Curtis sent yesterday of the older girls group.  Curtis, and his team of missionaries were able to fund a trip for this group of girls to travel to 3 cities to sight see, and to experience some things that these girls would probably never have the opportunity to do.  We are so grateful that Nastya was able to be apart of this opportunity and so grateful for Curtis, Adam and their team for making this possible.

They spent their nights traveling on an overnight train, Curtis said
 a lot of the girls thought this was the best part !

                           Vika in her English Class                             


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