Our day started strong, with a guest speaker at church this morning. He gave a challenging and powerful message. We were not expecting to sit down at the computer and have 2 letters waiting there for us. We have not actually heard directly from the girls yet, since they have been back, so this was a bittersweet blessing for us to receive. Bitter, for their cry of desperation to come get them as soon as possible, but sweet, hearing their words of Love and excitement for their new family. One thing that stuck with me about Vika's letter was this...
"We really love and miss you! We want you to come to adopt us as soon as possible. We really want to see you again and to give you hugs. We really wish it was possible for you to adopt us sooner, for example in December, so that we could be there for Christmas with you. Well, I know it won’t happen, but perhaps God can make it happen if we pray enough. "
Wow !! A living example of that "childlike" faith we are meant to have, "if we pray enough, perhaps God can make it happen." I quoted, Matthew 19:26 in my previous blog, " With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." This puts even more meaning to that verse. Little does she know that we are praying the same prayer as well, that we can be there in December. We are not going to be able to bring her home then, but how sweet it will be to spend a few weeks there before Christmas. Please continue to pray these next few weeks go smoothly, they are the most critical weeks in this whole process for us.
Here is the "sweet" portion of Nastya's letter...
"I miss your care, love, your kindness, and your understanding. I really want to see you, to hug you, and to not let go. Luba, Curtis’ sister-in-law, is teaching us English. So, I hope you are proud that I am doing what you asked me to do. J I read my Bible every day, and pray that God will answer my prayers."
The limited information that we knew about Nastya before she traveled here, stated, that she had a deep desire to know God and to go to church. She longs for the opportunity to go to church every week, but does not have the opportunity to go. I am so blessed to hear both the girls say in their letters, that they read their bibles and pray every day. We take for granted that we have the opportunity and the means to attend church every Sunday, these girls don't and they long for that. What WILL it take for us to simply appreciate the life and opportunity we actually have, I know for me, each day it is getting clearer and clearer. As much as these girls want and need us as their family, I am pretty sure I am the one that needs them more...
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